Senin, 27 Desember 2010

Red Wings 4, Wild 1: Post Game Snipes...

  • I didn't get to watch the first ten minutes of the game thanks to yet another round of DVR problems, but the rest of the game looked fantastic. The Wings haven't played like that much lately.
  • Both of their first period goals were banked in off of the goalie. That's got to be frustrating for the Wild.
  • It was nice to see Draper get his first goal of the season.  I've always liked the guy.
  • Homer scored another classic Homer goal. It was actually kind of an impressive feat that he was able to get his stick on the puck at all.
  • When I was watching the late-night game replay, they showed the team leaving the ice during the second intermission. As Dan Cleary walked toward the camera, I wanted to try to warn him to dodge that slapshot later on in the game. I'm going to chalk that up to it being almost 3 am.
  • Seriously though, losing the team's leading scorer (at the time of his injury) and its leading goal scorer in the same week is killer. It's especially bad with all of the games packed so closely together now. I just hope Cleary can regain the scoring form he had when he comes back from the injury.
  • Kindl didn't do anything terribly noticeable in his first game back. That's always a good thing for a rookie defenseman.
Hero: Henrik Zetterberg
I think this is the third game in a row that he's been up here. (I suppose I could go check...) He's absolutely stepped up in Datsyuk's absence. Without Dan Cleary in the lineup, he's going to have to be even better.

Villain: Eric Nystrom
He was trying to challenge Brad Stuart to a stupid fight during the second period in an attempt to change the tide of the game. Luckily, Stuey didn't take the bait.

Final Thought:
Alright, who got a time machine for Christmas and sent us back to last December with the injury plague? Not cool, sunshine, not cool.

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