Sabtu, 25 Desember 2010

Red Wings 3, Blues 4: Post Game Snipes...

  • I don't have much to say about this one on account of Christmas activities, but it was one of those classic Red Wings losses that frustrate us to no end.
  • The first period was atrocious. The second period was mediocre. The third period was phenomenal. Unfortunately, those kinds of games rarely result in victories.
  • Lidstrom's 5-on-3 goal was essential. The Wings absolutely needed to score on that opportunity in order to make the game interesting towards the end.
  • Nobody actually thought Darren Helm was going to score on that break he had, right?
  • They poured everything they had at the Blues during the third period, but it just wasn't enough. As annoying as the rest of the game was, the third period onslaught was a sight to behold.
Hero: Henrik Zetterberg
He had another really good night in the absence of BFF Datsyuk.

Villain: Jaroslav Halak
He turned away all 15 of the Wings' third period shots and managed to hold out until the final horn without letting them tie the game up.

Final Thought:
Merry Christmas!

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