Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

Red Wings 4, Canadiens 2: Post Game Snipes...

  • I'd say that each team won one period tonight, and split another. The difference was that the Wings won their period bigger. The first was kind of a draw, then the Wings took over in the second, only to fall asleep during the third.
  • I never, ever, ever want to hear that stupid “Ole” soccer chant in Joe Louis Arena again. Ever.
  • I loved that the Wings' d-men were all over the offense tonight. Lidstrom's buzzer-beater on the 5-on-3 was just brilliant.
  • Ken and Mickey's reaction to that goal was priceless.
  • I was at work and we had the game on the TVs. I don't think anything got done during that 5-on-3. I'm pretty sure everyone was just standing around watching.
  • Pavel Datsyuk's goal was just beautiful. He got a nice set-up from Rig and finished it with a gorgeous shot. After the game, he was asked to describe the goal and he said, “I just shoot.”
  • The penalty differential between the Wings and Canadiens was kind of surprising. I kept waiting for the evening out calls to come in the third period, but they never did. You don't usually see that kind of disparity unless you're playing Anaheim.
Hero: Jimmy Howard
Those saves he made late in the third period when the rest of the Wings were fading were nothing short of spectacular.

Villains: Habs fans
“Ole, Ole?” Not in our building.

Final Thought:
I've already moved onto the Big Chill. Tomorrow's going to be insane.

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