Kamis, 28 Januari 2010

Red Wings vs. Predators GP...

This is pretty bare bones. I have a hard time putting effort into these when I feel like I’m working harder than the hockey team. Plus, I hate writing these the night before. It somehow feels lazy.

1. The top line’s been dynamite since Cleary got moved up. I kept trying to explain to my brother why moving Bertuzzi down was a good move, but he won’t believe me. Can the top line keep rolling?
2. The Kings have climbed the standings from 8th place to 5th in just a few short days. Why can’t the Wings do that too?
3. The PK’s been slipping lately, and the powerplay still isn’t doing much good. At some point, the special teams are going to, you know, be special, right?
4. Are the Wings even going to look like they care?

If you can’t tell, I’m not very happy with the team right now. Accordingly, I'm coming across as a wee bit cynical. I'm just glad that it's a home game so I don't have to deal with the train whistles. That really might push me over the edge. I’m also going to miss some of the game tomorrow night, but with any luck, I’ll get to see half of it. Oh, and do me a favor and cross your fingers that my ankle’s not broken.

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