Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010

Red Wings 4, Sharks 1: Post Game Snipes...

  • Brad Stuart made an awesome save early in the first period. He lost his stick and dove across the crease to swat a puck away from the wide open net. Stuart might have a higher save percentage than Ozzie at this point.
  • Abdelkader was all over the place during the first period. He looked like the only Wings forward who was doing anything for a while there.
  • Datsyuk’s goal was classic Pavel all the way. He had a nice takeaway in the defensive zone, took it down the ice, and wired a shot into the back of the net. He should do that more often.
  • I was almost surprised that the Wings’ second goal was upheld after the review. It seems like breaks don’t go their way very often. I was pretty convinced that it was a high stick but there just wasn’t enough conclusive evidence to overturn the ruling on the ice.
  • Darren Helm made an awesome play to clear the puck out of the zone early in the third. I can’t really describe it, but it was one of those little hockey plays that don’t end up on the scoresheet yet are ridiculously endearing.
  • Of course, I was even more excited to see him bury a goal to make it 4-1. He’s been on quite a roll lately.
  • Dan Cleary called it their biggest win of the year in his postgame interview.
  • He also got into a “fight” late in the third. He didn’t really throw any punches, but he did manage to take his man down.
  • Jimmy Howard was fantastic again. He didn’t have to stand on his head like he did Thursday night, but he was solid all around.
GP Answers:
1. It was a little disheartening (understatement) to see the Wings come out with such a poor effort in Thursday night. While I don’t really see them catching San Jose in the standings, it would be nice to see them stick it to them. Will they at least look like they care as much as we do?
It was a much, much better effort all around. I wasn’t thrilled with the first period, but I’m much more forgiving when the game ends well.

2. Earth to Pavel Datsyuk. Earth to Pavel Datsyuk. Dude, where have you been? Will tonight finally be the night that he resembles the Hart Trophy nominee that he was last year? Please.
He seemed to have more spark tonight than he has recently. His goal to tie the game up was huge.

3. When is Nick Lidstrom going to score a goal again? It’s been the better part of a decade since he put one in the net, and I’m going to copy/paste this into every GP until he does.
Not tonight.

4. Are we going to get to see something resembling a powerplay from the Wings tonight? It’s looked better recently, but still isn’t accomplishing a lot. I expect better from the boys.
Somehow the Wings ended up with only one powerplay tonight. Which was probably good because it continued to make me sad.

Cookies and Cupcakes for Darren Helm
I mean, really, how can anyone not love the guy? All he does is work and do the little things that make hockey special. Tonight showcased a little bit of everything that he does.

An Extra Stick Tap for Dan Cleary
Since he’s come back from injury, he’s picked up two goals and a semi-fight. That’s how it’s done, sunshines.

Brian Rafalski gets the Golden Facepalm
I had a hard time deciding who got this one because there wasn’t a whole lot to pick on tonight, but he didn’t tie up his man on the play that led to San Jose’s goal in the first period. He could’ve done a better job.

What I Learned:
Maybe the Wings missed Cleary more than most people thought that they did.

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