Senin, 28 Desember 2009

The Obstructed View Episode 3...

(You have to listen to the podcast to understand. Do it. Do it now.)

On the off chance that you follow Wings blogs and haven’t heard already, the third episode of The Obstructed View has been posted. I was shockingly invited back to join Kyle from Babcock’s Death Stare and Tyler from The Triple Deke along with the usual suspects, Chris from Motown Wings and Brian Kiernicki. It’s another fantastic episode that features a discussion of Brian Rafalski’s hair (see above picture), the awesomeness of Todd Bertuzzi, my friend’s foot incident at the Joe Saturday night, and my New Year’s Resolution to do whatever it takes to get the Hockey Gods back on the Wings’ side (you know…No Limits and all). We may also, from time to time, actually discuss some hockey. Please do check it out, and keep the feedback coming.

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