Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

Look, I'm Back...

Well, I'm back from vacation, even though I'm not entirely up and running yet. I'm still trying to catch up on what when on during my absence, but things like "cooking," and "cleaning," and "baking" keep interfering. I guess there's some sort of huge holiday coming up that I'm expected to help prepare for or something.

I got to watch just enough of the game tonight to leave me feeling irritated and depressed. Three straight losses, including two shutouts to Chicago, isn't exactly what I needed to get into the holiday spirit. On the bright side, though, as far as I know, we've got a belated Finnish Christmas present waiting for us on the 26th. And then with any luck, players will start to trickle back into the lineup until it begins to resemble an actual NHL roster again.

While I was gone, there were some crazy happenings over at A2Y. It seems that the 19 are going to bring Guilherme from Red Wings Brasil to Detroit to watch his first ever Wings game in person. There's also something about Pinky that I don't quite understand because I haven't had the time to go back and read whatever comment thread it originated from.

Anyway, at some point in the near future, I'll get my act together. With any luck, I'll even have time to slap together a post with some vacation notes. At any rate, have a merry Christmas. I know I plan on it.

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