Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011

Pre-Season Ramblings...

I'm in kind of a strange position right now. This is the first time I've ever found myself gearing up for hockey season somewhere other than Michigan. On one hand, it's been healthy for my bank account since there are no tickets to tempt me or merchandise lining the shelves of every store I go to down here. Mostly though, it's just been sad. I was able to watch part of one pre-season game. One. Don't even think about picking up a newspaper and finding a hockey article. If you're lucky, you might find a box score buried somewhere behind coverage of high school gymnastics and the local little league standings. So here I sit, seemingly the only person in an entire state eagerly awaiting something. I'm sure there are others out there just like me, but they're much fewer and farther between than I'm used to.

But enough about me. After a summer with an unusually high amount of turnover, the Wings enter the season with a lot of questions hanging over them. Some are exciting (ex: Which defensemen are going to win spots?). Some are terrifying (ex: something related to Nick Lidstrom that I'm not willing to actually type). And some are just plain intriguing (ex: Who does Cory Emmerton's brows?). I'm looking forward to seeing how things play out.

The number of games I get to see is going to be limited by the fact that I live in hockey wasteland as well as the fact that my current job has me working a lot of nights. I'm going to do my best to keep up with things here now that hockey's almost, but I can't make any promises. I'm beyond ready to drop the puck on this season, not least of all because it means an end to this long and horrible off-season.

Also, go Tigers!

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