Jumat, 15 April 2011

Playoff Housekeeping...

Hey sunshines,

I've got a little bit of housekeeping on this boring Florida Friday night.  First off, I'll be recapping all of the Wings home games (except for tomorrow's since I'm missing it due to work) at Chicks Who Give A Puck.  I'll be doing more writing over at CWGAP than here during the playoffs, so I'd encourage everyone to keep checking out our labor of love over there.  My recap of Game One posted yesterday morning here.  I'll still be doing GPs here at SSDD, and I'll do what I can to get recaps of the road games up, but with my work schedule and viewing arrangements, it's pretty hard to keep on top of things.

I'd also like to introduce the world to my little brother's Spring Break project.  He came to visit me, and what started out as a joke turned into a decision to enter the Wings' viral video contest.  Here's our entry that earned us some Red Wings goodies.  Keep in mind that we weren't aiming for an Oscar nomination with it.  We filmed ourselves walking into palm trees and falling into pools.  Plus, I had to use Movie Maker to edit it together.  Don't judge too harshly.

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