Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

Red Wings 7, Senators 5: Post Game Snipes...

  • I wasn't going to do a recap since I only caught the third period, but then Mule went and did his Muletrick and I couldn't very well let that go by without mention.
  • Now that it's after the All-Star break, Franzen evidently decided that it was time to kick things up a notch.
  • At his best, Mule is unstoppable. He's like a force of nature when he puts his mind to it.
  • What are the odds that I can get an Arby's down here to give me free fries tomorrow? Or that I can find a printer in time?
  • The explanation for the Senators' no-goal in the third was just plain silly. Even on my grainy feed, I could tell that the refs' version of what happened there was nowhere close to reality. My feed was only getting video from the rink, so during commercials and post-game segments in the studio, I got random camera shots and audio from the on-site crew. After the game, Ken Daniels and Larry Murphy were ranting about how stupid the explanation was. Daniels said pretty much the same things everybody on twitter said. It was the right call, but not for the reason stated. It was nice to see that the guys up in the booth get as frustrated about silly things like that as we do.
  • I'm working on a theory that the blizzard/snowpocalypse/snowmageddon/whatever you want to call it somehow time-machined the two teams back into the 80s for one night. I followed along with the first two periods via text messages, and trying to keep up with the game was a challenge. I had a lot of, “wait, what?” moments when I got back-to-back-to-back texts announcing goals.
  • That moment when Z went awkwardly into the boards almost killed me. I was practically holding my breath until the next time I saw him out on the ice.
  • This was the first five-goal game for a Wing since Fedorov did it back in 1996. I'll never forget that game because it was right after Christmas the year I got my first ever Wings jersey. I watched the game on the floor in front of the TV, wearing my brand new #91 jersey, and I was pretty much convinced that he scored all of those goals because of it.
  • Henrik Zetterberg's streak of games in which he had at least two shots on goal has officially ended. Can we never speak of this useless stat again, please? Pretty please?

Hero: Johan Franzen
This needs no explanation.

Villain: Chris Neil
I just don't like him.

Final Thought:
It was nice to see Cleary back in the lineup.

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