Selasa, 18 Januari 2011

Red Wings 1, Penguins 4: Post Game Snipes...

  • I actually got to watch the game tonight, although the choppy feed and the fact that my internet was constantly cutting in and out made it tricky to get a good feel for the game. Still, it was live Red Wings hockey, and it made me happy.
  • I ended up with the Pens feed, and at one point in the first period, their announcers described the Wings as a wounded animal that you just want to put out of its misery.
  • As soon as the Wings got something going with a Mule goal off of a strong play by Zetterberg, the Pens came back and answered.
  • I love Patrick Eaves, but seeing him on the top powerplay unit isn't really what I'd call awesome.
  • I didn't get to see the first goal, but Joey MacDonald looked pretty decent.

Hero: Johan Franzen
He got the Wings on the board and gave them hope, albeit briefly. He had a couple of other good chances that he couldn't quite finish on.

Villain: Chris Kunitz
He ended what little momentum the Wings were able to build by scoring almost immediately after Mule cut the lead to one.

Final Thought:
At least half of the Pens' broadcast was devoted to showing clips of their most recent Cup win and talking about stats from it. Can you say, “inferiority complex?”

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