Jumat, 24 September 2010

2010-2011 Player Profiles: Jakub Kindl...

Hey, kids, guess what? Hockey's almost here. That means it's time for me to get back into this whole blogging thing that I've neglected during the off-season. Since I lack the creativity to come up with a new gimmick, I decided to continue the Player Profiles series I did last year leading up to the season. I'll be taking a look at a different player (almost) every day between now and when hockey starts. By my count, there are 14 days until the Wings open the regular season. Get excited. Today's subject:

Jakub Kindl

2009-2010 Regular Season: 3 GP, 0-0-0, +/- -2, 0 PIM
2010 Playoffs: N/A

Season Highlight: N/A
Season Lowlight: N/A

Kindl got called up last season to fill in some gaps due to injuries. He didn't see much playing time, and I don't recall him being particularly impressive. It's impossible to make a judgment about a player based on only a few performances, especially considering what the rest of the team looked like at the time.

This year, I think, is going to be a different story. I was impressed with his play at training camp. He looked good.  The Commune can testify to that.  I'm glad I got to write this profile after having been to TC because I feel a lot better about Kindl now. Of course, playing in real game situations is different than in practices and scrimmages, but I think Kindl's ready to step into the lineup this year. Unless Jonathan Ericsson turns things around in a big way, he's going to find himself battling Kindl for a starting job before the year is over.

What he needs to do to make me smile: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

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