Kamis, 29 April 2010

Red Wings vs. Sharks Game One GP...

You know what I love about these? They keep getting shorter and shorter. Best idea ever.

12. The most important thing for Game One is to keep up the momentum from the last round. The Wings played one of the best games we’ve seen them play in a long time, and they need to keep it up.
11. Coming out strong and aggressive is going to be really important. They can’t afford to be tentative and passive at the start of the game.
10. The Wings’ stars led the team in a big way during Game Seven. They’ll need to keep shining to take the team past the more threatening Sharks.
9. This is going to be Zetterberg’s first chance at a real shut-down assignment. Watching him frustrate opposing stars is a thing of beauty. Who is Babcock going to assign him to? My money’s on Pavelski.
8. Special teams were key in Game Seven. The powerplay and PK need to keep clicking and avoid any Game-Six-like disasters.
7. The Wings need to solve Nabokov early and keep him from getting into a groove.
6. This is a battle between the fresh-from-the-first-round Wings and the well-rested Sharks. Who is going to look better?
5. Now that Jimmy’s got a whole round of playoff experience under his belt, he just needs to settle down and do his thing.
4. Here’s hoping that Franzen’s been stockpiling all of his goals for the later rounds. Assists are nice, but he makes the big bucks to score goals.
3. Don’t let the Sharks carry the physical play.
2. The second defensive pairing needs to get things under control. I want to see fewer turnovers and at least one Kronwalling.
1. Start Round Two off on the right foot, boys. We’re all counting on you.

I’ll be taking in the game at the official viewing party at Hockeytown CafĂ© with several members of the #redwingscommune. So far, commune fieldtrips are 2-0, so hopefully we can keep up the good luck. We also watched Game Five from Hockeytown, and I ended up coming home with a bag full of free goodies that included a Datsyuk signed puck. If you’re looking for proof of how much fun we had, check out this video that the Wings put together:

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