Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

Red Wings vs. Oilers GP...

Exciting news: I’m going to be covering the game from the alumni suite that the Wings gave away tickets for. I’m told that it will be stocked with former players and plenty of food, and that I’ll have internet access while I’m there. I’m not sure yet what I’m going to do during the game (Twitter? Live blog? Pass out from excitement? The possibilities are endless.), but I’m sure I’ll figure something out. This is just another example of why the Wings are the greatest organization in sports (as if there was any confirmation needed after H2H). I’m also forever indebted to Hollis for this, and I’m going to have to buy him a beverage at E2H or H2H2 or whatever we end up doing in the future.

I’m keeping this GP short and sweet because I expect my recap will be novel-esque as it is.

1. Can the Wings keep up their meteoric rise through the standings by beating the worst team in the league? This is exactly the kind of game that they like to sleepwalk through, which explains why more than one tenth of the Oilers points this season have come against the Wings. (How many times have I written that exact same sentence this season?)
2. How is Jimmy Howard going to follow up his birthday performance, shut/shootout victory, and subsequent listing as a top 3 star in the NHL? Please let it be with more spectacular play.
3. Am I going to survive the night, or just explode from pure joy right there in the middle of Joe Louis Arena?

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