Sabtu, 06 Februari 2010

Red Wings 3, Kings 4: Post Game Snipes...

Instead of the usual bullet points, I’m going to describe my feelings about this game at various points during it.
1st period: Hey look, the Wings are actually playing hockey today…Two goals 16 seconds apart? This never happens FOR the Wings…OMG, I love you Henrik Zetterberg! I love this game! I love hockey! Oh, this is so much fun. I want more.
2nd period: Um, guys, you know there are 40 minutes left, right?...Oh crap. Well, whatever…The Wings need to wake up…Why, Jimmy, why?...Yeah, saw that coming. I hate everything.
3rd period: Ok, well this isn’t terrible yet. Maybe the Wings will come out strong…Maybe they can take it to overtime and at least get a loser point…Yeah, I saw that coming…@#$%^&*&^%$#%^&*#$%^&^%$#$%^#^&*^%^&*#$%^&*@#@$%%$#@#$%^!!! I hate this team. I hate this season. I hate hockey. I’m never watching ever again. Ever. God I can’t wait to see Franzen play on Tuesday.
To sum things up: The Wings lost their lead, they lost the game, they lost two points, they lost ground on Calgary and Nashville, and they lost THREE forwards to injury. In all honesty, that’s a little bit incredible.

GP Answers:
1. The Wings need these two points to tie Calgary and Nashville for 8th place in the West. Are they going to look like they actually know that?
They fooled me. During the first period, they looked like a team that got it. They were skating, and scoring, and looking like an NHL team. And then…well, you know what happened.

2. Is Filppula going to be able to bury one of the chances that he’s inevitably going to get? I swear he could’ve had 16 goals over the last two games.
He did indeed score, although to be fair, it was kind of a lucky bounce. I really don’t care how they go in though, as long as they count for the Wings.

3. Will the Wings find a way to solve Jonathan Quick? They have a really bad habit of making opposing goalies look phenomenal when they play them.
They scored 3 goals during the first 20 minutes and he looked decidedly human. Then he more or less got a 40-minute vacation as the Kings skated circles around the Wings.

4. The Ducks’ first goal bounced in off of Stuart’s foot, and another one was batted in off of a glove “legally.” What ridiculous bounces are going to go against the Wings this time around?
The Wings actually got a good bounce to go in for them in the first period on the abovementioned Filppula goal. They could have and should have won this game. It wasn’t about bounces or luck or anything like that. it was about the Wings deciding that 20 minutes was enough and giving away 2 points for approximately the 847th time this season.

Cookies and Cupcakes for Henrik Zetterberg
Even though he didn’t get us curly fries, he played well.

Jimmy Howard gets the Golden Facepalm
I hate to do this because this game was not his fault, but the Kings’ second goal was horrific. When that puck went in the net, I got one of those nasty feelings we’ve all grown accustomed to this season and fully expected the game to go downhill.

What I Learned:
The Wings don’t miss Ville Leino one bit. It was business as usual for the boys this afternoon.

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