Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

Red Wings vs. Sharks Game Seven GP...

3 Red Wings vs. Sharks 3

Random picture from a google images search of "Red Wings" that caught my fancy:

(Cake, don't fail me now.)
Three things:
  • Anything can happen—It's Game Seven. One bounce, one bad break, one turnover can decide the series.
  • Goalies—Howard and Niemi may very well end up deciding which team moves on to the Western Conference Finals.
  • Mental edge—The Wings have had it throughout the whole series. Here's hoping they'll use that to their advantage tonight.
Red Wing Zen:
Justin Abdelkader

0-0-0, +/- -4, 22 PIM

Red Wings Youtube video of the day:

Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

Red Wings vs. Sharks Game Six GP...

2 Red Wings vs. Sharks 3

Random picture from a google images search of "Red Wings" that caught my fancy:

(Might as well stick with the cake theme, eh?)
Three things:
  • Showing up—Which Wings team will show up tonight? And for how long? The team that played the third period of Game Five is nearly unstoppable. The team that muddled through the first period? Not so much.
  • Taking charge—Despite facing elimination, with the series shifting back to Detroit, anything could happen. The Wings' fate is still in their hands. Win or lose, the outcome is going to be their own doing.
  • Mule—He's still a huge question mark. Babcock wants to play him if he's able to go, but is it worth it to risk being down a man if he re-tweaks it again? The injury's obviously been affecting him this series as it is.
Red Wing Zen:
Henrik Zetterberg

1-5-6, +/- 4, 2 PIM

Red Wings Youtube video of the day:

Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Red Wings vs. Sharks Game Five GP...

1 Red Wings vs. Sharks 3

Random picture from a google images search of "Red Wings" that caught my fancy:

(Since the cake picture worked out for Game Four, I present this one that's even better.  Just look at that frosting.)

Three things:
  • Intensity—Playing like they did in the first period of Game Four would go a long way towards prolonging the series.
  • Sixty minutes—Did you know that that's how long the game lasts?
  • Special teams—Whoever wins the battle of special teams is going to win the game. The powerplay and PK have been huge factors all series long, and the Wings haven't been particularly good at either one.
Red Wing Zen:
Patrick Eaves

3-1-4, +/- 2, 6 PIM

Red Wings Youtube video of the day:

Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

Red Wings vs. Sharks Game Four GP...

0 Red Wings vs. Sharks 3

Random picture from a google images search of "Red Wings" that caught my fancy:

Three things:

  • One game at a time—If Philly could do it last season, who's to say that the Wings can't?
  • Pride—Please, for the love of the Hockey Gods, don't go down with a sweep.
  • Franzen—This is the game where he's supposed to go crazy and play like an unstoppable machine according to last season's series blueprint.

Red Wing Zen:
Jiri Hudler

1-2-3, +/- 2, 4 PIM

Red Wings Youtube video of the day:

Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

Red Wings vs. Sharks Game Three GP...

0 Red Wings vs. Sharks 2

Random picture from a google images search of "Red Wings" that caught my fancy:

Three things:

  • Win the game—It doesn't matter how. It just has to happen.
  • Goals—You know what else would be fun? Scoring more than one goal in the game. It would also help accomplish point number one.
  • Discipline—The Wings looked frustrated during the third period of Game Two and played uncharacteristically chippy hockey. With any luck, they can turn that frustration into positive energy and come out looking better than they have thus far in the series.

Red Wing Zen:
Brad Stuart

0-0-0, +/- 2, 4 PIM

Red Wings Youtube video of the day:

Tomorrow will be exactly one year since we pulled this crazy stunt.  Shockingly, we're in exactly the same spot we were in back then.  Here's hoping that it turns out better this time around.

Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Red Wings vs. Sharks Game Two GP...

0 Red Wings vs. Sharks 1

Random picture from a google images search of "Red Wings" that caught my fancy:

Three things:

  • Jimmy Howard—If he keeps playing like he did in Game One, I like the Wings' chances of coming back in this series.
  • Penalties—You all know the drill on this one. I don't want to talk about it because I'm just going to get riled up again.
  • Intensity—The Wings got outplayed for long stretches of the first game. They were lucky to be in the position they were at the end of regulation, officiating nonsense aside. They're going to need to step things up today if they want to pull even.

Red Wing Zen:
Jonathan Ericsson

0-1-1, +/- 1, 2 PIM

Red Wings Youtube video of the day: